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2016 Adobe House Farm Update

Spring is in the air! Though the fields are still muddy, if it’s a dry month, we’ll be able to plant frost-hardy greens, carrots, radishes, turnips, and onions. Salad greens from our tunnel will be available for just the next week and then the tunnel will be planted for early tomatoes! Come visit us this Wednesday at the Smiley Building from 3-6 to buy our fresh, sweet winter lettuce!

Many of you have been emailing us to be in

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CSA Letter Week 16

This week’s harvest: pumpkins, winter squash, small decorative gourds, tomatoes!, carrots, onions, leeks, garlic, kale

It’s finally here! The last week of the 2015 Adobe House Farm CSA. We hope you’ve enjoyed consuming our produce as much as we’ve enjoyed growing it for you. While the CSA shares have greatly benefitted from Durango’s extending run of nice weather, alas, all good things must come to an end. Today marked the day of what has come to be our yearly ‘hail

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CSA Letter Week 15

This week’s harvest: tomatoes (cherry and big), basil, leeks, onions, lots of peppers (serrano, jalepeno, sweet), kale, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, winter squash (buttercup or kuri), sugar pumpkin, garlic

We are lucky to have such a late frost (for Durango) this year. With still no frost in the forecast, it means that tomatoes, basil, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and cucumbers will be in your CSA to the end (next week is the last week)! Nonetheless, the plants have slowed down and seem

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CSA Letter Week 14

This week’s harvest: tomatoes (cherry and big), garlic, leeks, onions, carrots, peppers (serrano, jalepeno, sweet), daikon radish, Portuguese kale, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, winter squash (buttercup or kuri).

Some members of the community are attempting to revive the Animas Valley Grange, an old community center off CR 203. Back in the mid 1800’s, granges formed across the country for farm families to gather to organize for their common economic and political interests. The Animas Valley grange has served as the location

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CSA Letter Week 13

This week’s harvest: tomatoes (cherry and big), basil, leeks, onions, carrots, peppers (serrano, jalepeno, sweet), daikon radish, chard, kale, cauliflower or cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers.

Today we hosted a Fort Lewis College class on our 32nd St. farm. The theme was “why hasn’t the local food system succeeded yet in Durango.” There are places around the country where local food systems are thriving, but why not here yet? I was so impressed with the students who seemed so motivated to

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CSA Letter Week 12

This week’s harvest: tomatoes (cherry and big), basil, leeks, onions, purple carrots, peppers (serrano, jalepeno, sweet), daikon radish, head lettuce, chard, kale, cauliflower or cabbage (next week switch), apples, and sweet grapes (with tart seeds)!

What to do with all the food this time of year? First of all, enjoy it while it lasts with the looming inevitable frost. Old timers in the region tell us that it used to frost this time of year, but it hasn’t frosted until

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CSA Letter Week 11

This week’s harvest: purple carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, basil, tomatillos, garlic, hot peppers, sweet peppers, eggplant, green beans, leeks, cabbage, head lettuce, chard, kale.

Raina has a book called “The Feel Good Book” that asks us to think about what makes us feel good. Tonight she said “carrots from the farm make me feel good.” For her, I think they “feel good” because she loves the taste and maybe the surprise of discovering a hidden colorful vegetable completely under

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CSA Letter Week 10

This week’s harvest: Tomatoes, basil, peppers (sweet and spicy), onions, beets, carrots, string beans, cauliflower, cucumbers, chard, kale, head lettuce, spicy salad mix (arugula and mizuna).

Thank goodness for the rain! Our pond was getting VERY low and we even had to relocate the pump to make sure it wouldn’t pick up sediment from the bottom. We held off watering on Tuesday betting on the 50% chance of rain in the forecast and boy did it come! It’s been an

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CSA Letter Week 9

This week’s harvest: beans, cabbage, broccoli, hot peppers, basil, eggplant, beets, carrots, chard, kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, summer squash, sunflower

We spent some time this week turning under the beds we used this spring so the farm will look more open to you if you’d like to take a look. Though we like to keep the soil covered with vegetation so it doesn’t erode in the wind, it feels good to turn the weeds under before they go to

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CSA Letter Week 8

This week’s harvest: Iceburg head lettuce, baby kale, tomatoes, green beans, peppers (bell and jalepeno), basil, broccoli, eggplant, carrots, squash, and garlic

It’s been a sad week for all of us who love the river, especially for the farmers who depend on it. Fortunately, our farm irrigates from ponds that were filled from the Reid ditch weeks before the spill. And since the water from the Animas river going into the Reid ditch was shut off before the contamination passed,

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