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For you fermented vegetable enthusiasts, sauerkraut is great way to preserve and enjoy cabbage during the winter months. All it requires is time, cabbage and salt.

Simply shred the cabbage, place it large crock or bucket and add salt. You’ll need to weigh down the cabbage in order force the water out and speed the fermentation process. It will take about a week to complete at temperatures between 70-75 degrees. As you check it throughout the week, scoop off the

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Spinach Arugula Strata

Tired of fresh greens? Stratas are a great way to get a lot of greens and other vegetables in a new and simple way. I make my strata directly in the frying pan, which makes it super quick and easy.


1 tablespoon cooking oil of choice (olive oil splatters more than canola, coconut oil remains healthy after heated unlike olive oil) 4 eggs 1/4 cup milk (cow, rice, almond, soy or other milk of choice) 1 Tablespoon chopped garlic

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Warm Beet Salad

Cut stems off beets leaving 1 inch attached to bulb. Boil beet bottoms until tender (about 10 minutes). Serve over salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar and goat cheese. Saute chopped beet greens, onion, wax pepper in canola oil for 5 minutes (stems can go in before leaves). Add a touch of sesame oil, soy sauce, white wine and steam for 5 mintues. Enjoy stir-fried greens as is or with fish, chicken or steak on top.