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For you fermented vegetable enthusiasts, sauerkraut is great way to preserve and enjoy cabbage during the winter months. All it requires is time, cabbage and salt.

  1. Simply shred the cabbage, place it large crock or bucket and add salt. You’ll need to weigh down the cabbage in order force the water out and speed the fermentation process.
  2. It will take about a week to complete at temperatures between 70-75 degrees.
  3. As you check it throughout the week, scoop off the top layer of scum to aid in fermentation. Remember to keep the crock in a well ventilated area and feel free to get creative with your recipe.
  4. After the fermentation process the fresh kraut will keep for few weeks in a root cellar or refrigerator. Canning will extend the shelf life but also kills the beneficial bacteria so you may want to start with small batches.

Garlic, juniper berries and ginger all make nice additions to sauerkraut.


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