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AHF 2014 CSA: Spread the Word!

Photo: Raina helped on the farm today too. She fed the chickens weeds and sprinkled soybean meal down the rows.

Raina helped us spread soy bean meal, an organic form of slow-release nutrients.

We’d like to start this email by saying how much we love our customers. Many of you are following us on Facebook and Twitter and encouraging us with your comments and “likes”. You’ve been quick to respond when we’ve had excess greens throughout the winter and willing to come to grandma Jan and grandpa Ken’s garage refrigerator for the goods.

Photo: Thanks Danielle Duni and Fort Lewis college students for another successful Crop Mob. Let's hope the word spreads through the community this summer. Wednesdays 3-6 at the 32nd St. plot.  Join the movement!

The Fort Lewis College student “crop mob” transplanting chard, beets and onions.

For those of you that have been with us from the beginning, you’ve supported us through three seasons of developing new infrastructure and expansion. Our CSA and growing skills have improved dramatically each year. This year is shaping up to follow in those footsteps. This time last year we were turning an acre of pasture into garden space, getting the plot ready to plant in June. This year, we have half of that acre already planted into cold tolerant crops like beets, carrots, onions, cilantro, parsley, baby kale, arugula, spinach, chard, turnips, and radishes. The seeds have germinated, the transplants have taken root, and they are safe under frost blankets. Tomatoes have been in the ground under three layers of protection and already have blossoms!

Photo: 6000 onions in the ground, 6000 more to go tomorrow!

Adobe House Farm’s expansion brought my farmer brother, Reid, from Portland here to help us.

This season we are renting 2 new acres off of 32nd street to expand our production and allow our CSA members free access to the farm. Our CSA pick up will be held at 821 32nd St. on Thursdays from 3-6 where you can see it all happen right before your eyes. Throughout the season you’ll have optional free access to extra u-pick items, in addition to your prepared CSA share. In an effort to help with the many tasks ahead, we have doubled our CSA work/share program and Fort Lewis college has organized weekly “crop mobs” Wednesdays from 3-6. It is all vey exciting!

While the majority of you have joined for the 2014 season, in trippling our growing space, we are looking to increase our CSA membership. Please forward this email to anyone you think would enjoy the weekly bounty and becoming part of something bigger than us all: a shift toward a better food system.

As always, thanks for your support,
Linley, Peter, Werner, Reid

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