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CSA Letter Week 1 2015

Adobe House Farm CSA 2015 starts tomorrow, this Thursday 2pm-6:30pm

This week’s harvest: Head lettuce, radish, mustard greens (mizuna), arugula, spinach, onions, garlic scapes, beets, mint, strawberries (u-pick)

We are so excited to kick off this year’s CSA tomorrow! Months of hard work has begun to yield beautiful greens and root crops. This is what you’ll be receiving for the next several weeks until the long-season crops begin to bear in August and September. Here are some things to keep in mind for the pick up:

  1. Pick up your goodies between 2-6:30 at 821 E. 32nd St. (gravel drive just past Sunshine Gardens, black mailbox, big evergreen tree).
  2. Come early if you can to avoid traffic and be first to the strawberry patch.
  3. Bring a grocery bag for your produce!

Feel free to walk the farm after picking your strawberries tomorrow and marvel that every plant has been planted by hand! Enjoy the pictures of the farm below and check out the weekly recipe at the bottom – can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

Linley, Peter, Reid, Charlie, Tim, John

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