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CSA Letter Week 14

This week’s harvest: Peppers, Kale, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Squash, Beans, Eggplant, Apples, Pears, Cucumbers, Parsley, Onions, Collards
U-pick: Broccoli, Basil, Kale

Worms. Yuck. Everyone seems to know that worms are great for soil.  Digging up your backyard garden and seeing the wriggly soil churners usually instills a sense of pride – “hey I’ve got worms” – sweet. However find them in an apple, pear, cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower head, gross. I know, I’ve been that way most of my life. But when you really stop to think about what the alternative is, it’s much easier to change your frame of thought. Check out this link if you like to know what’s on the perfect head of broccoli you’ll find at the grocery store, and here to see what you’re ingesting when you buy apples.  Yes you’ll find worms in our apples and pears plus a caterpillar or two in your cauliflower or broccoli but when it’s weighed against the invisible alternative, we hope you’ll realize (I know most you already do, otherwise why join a CSA?) that finding a couple critters on your produce is a good sign.

A local chef told us he’s been finding a few “creepy crawlies” on our broccoli, but it was by far the sweetest and most tender broccoli he’s come across and he’s ordered it week after week.

With that in mind, while we’ve been trying to do a good job with washing and culling our produce, between the apples, pears, cabbage and broccoli, we know we won’t be able to give you a worm-free CSA share, but we hope that you can understand that’s not really a bad thing.

Two more weeks to go plus a special “thank you week” that is TBD.  Once again thank you for supporting the farm.

Pete, Reid, and Linley

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