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CSA Letter Week 7  

This week’s harvest: Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, broccoli, kale, chard, lettuce mix, red onion, basil, and garlic

Even though the majority of the harvest is still to come, when August comes around it definitely feels like we’ve made it past the “worst of it.” I know, I know, I love my job, but the summer months lack balance. Every-day-all-day farming gets to be too much over time! Believe it or not, cleaning the house or taking care of the yard doesn’t sound so bad this time of year.

But, this year we’ve had Reid, Tim, and Charlie to help so we actually put the tent and sleeping bags in the car for a camping trip for the first time in five years. We moved to Durango to farm, yes, but we also moved here to enjoy the mountains and it took us five years to spend the night in them! Lets hope that as we become better at farming there will be more time for the other things we enjoy (and for the necessities that we don’t, but must take care of!)

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Linley, Peter, Reid, Charlie, Tim, John

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