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CSA Letter Week 7

This week’s harvest: carrots, beets, cabbage, broccoli, basil, tomatoes, cilantro, parsley, dill, onions, kale, kohlrabi, garlic, apples

u-pick flowers: sunflowers, cosmos, thai basil
u-pick herbs: dill, parsley, fennel, cilantro, purple basil

It’s been an uplifting week watching the plants recover nicely from the hail. I have to admit there were a few nights last week after the storm when we all felt a little defeated. The hard work is worth it when all goes well… when it doesn’t, we begin to doubt our mission. But, after pruning the last of the bruised tomatoes, peppers, and squash, watching how quickly the plants are recovering gives us hope the hard work hasn’t been in vain.

Linda Ilsley (of Linda’s Local Food Café) came to our rescue again by harvesting hailed green tomatoes and peppers, roasting them with our garlic, onion, and cilantro to make the tastiest salsa I’ve ever tried. We have 20 containers for sale at the stand for $5 – first come, first serve. She is so supportive of the local farmers in times of need.

This week we visited a friend’s orchard in Cortez to pick transparent apples. Yellow transparent apples have a sharp taste making them awesome for saucing, drying, freezing, purees and pies. Later in the season we’ll pick lots of tasty fresh eating apples, but the transparents come early.

Even though the strawberries are gone, we hope you still come out and walk through the plot. You might want to bring a pair of scissors with you for the u-pick sunflowers, cosmos and extra herbs. As always, there is extra u-pick kale and chard.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

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