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CSA Letter Week 2

This week’s share: radishes, turnips, beets, onions, dill, spinach, lettuce mix, arugula, kale, and u-pick strawberry pints!

Once again, we have a nice harvest for you early in the season. As new as we are to farming, we still have the constant worry: will we have enough to harvest for CSA? Somehow, every week, there’s always a nice share ready! This week, we couldn’t be more excited to offer you strawberries to harvest. We’ll hand you a pint and you can head to the field. It won’t take you long to fill it, (unless you pop more in your mouth than you put in the container). We’ve been sampling the different varieties the last few days and they are all tasty. Some are more tart, others sweet. Regardless, they all put the grocery store strawberries to shame. It is a nice yield so far especially considering it is a first-year patch.

We’ve always wanted to grow strawberries, despite warnings from other farmers when we first moved to town. “Mine always die” or  “they just stop producing” or “they’re too high maintenance” are among the warnings we were given. Well, we’ve either been lucky or we’ve figured it out because this year they look great. My favorite variety is ‘sparkle,’ an old heirloom with tremendous flavor traditionally used for jam. I predict very few will be turned into jam and the majority will be eaten right in the field!

As always, you are welcome to harvest additional kale if you go through more than the share we provide. For us, it is a big sigh of relief to have the farm all planted. Now on to the weeds!! Happy 4th.

Linley, Reid, and Peter

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