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CSA Letter Week 3

This week’s share: lettuce mix, arugula, spinach, beets, kale, chard, parsley, cilantro, onions, u-pick strawberries!

We’re really feeling into the swing of things now that the farm is planted and a few weeks of CSA are behind us. It’s amazing what a few days completely dedicated to weeding will do. At the beginning of the week we really felt the weeds were going to overtake our crops, but after a few days of dedicating ourselves only to weeding, it feels like we might just catch up. We are so grateful to the work-shares and volunteers for helping us out.

Hopefully the evening thunderstorms will stay away for our u-pick strawberries tomorrow. We debated over whether or not there would be enough to open up the patch again, but if everyone is good about not picking (or eating) more than a half pint, there should be enough for everyone. It was incredible to see how quickly the berries disappeared last week!

Thanks for your support and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

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