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CSA Letter Week 4

This week’s harvest: garlic, cilantro, kohlrabi, beets, kale, chard, salad mix, herbs: basil, mint, thyme
U-pick: kale, It’s by the hoop house and from now on it’s u-pick every week. Just pick one or two big leaves per plant. Plants at the ends of the rows are often forgotten and have the biggest leaves!

There were many times this week when I was reminded of why I chose to be a farmer. In farming, you see the progress of your hard work. Harvesting large kale bundles, strawberries, and greens is such a tangible reward for your labor. It’s directly fulfilling to not only the soul, but the body too. We are starting to be rewarded with fresh, healthy food and strong muscles after months of hard work. We are so happy to be able to share our vegetables with you. Hopefully our food will make you stronger, healthier and happier as it does for us!

What’s more, the farm is starting to feel much more under control and the plants are all growing so well. The reward for months of seeding, caring for starts and bed prep has finally led to big, strong plants! We are constantly astonished how quickly things grow here. The abundant sunshine – and this year the rain – has lead to very quick growth. There are already summer plants starting to bloom – cucumbers, eggplant and peppers are all starting to bare immature fruit. We hope to harvest summer crops a bit earlier this year!

As always, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Linley, Peter, Reid, Charlie, Tim, John

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