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CSA Letter Week 5  

This week’s harvest: Cucumbers, garlic, beets, head lettuce, arugula, kale, chard, basil, salad mix, cilantro

We got into farming because we love growing vegetables. Because of this love, our produce has been grown with much intention, be it choosing varieties that are tastier, attracting beneficials to the farm, or improving the soil that it is grown in.

But, Adobe House Farm has turned into so much more than thoughtful food production. It’s about connecting with the people who eat our food and appreciate what we do. You take the extra effort to come to our farm because you believe in our food and believe in us. That is something that we do not take lightly.

And so, as you look around the farm tomorrow, I hope you are in awe of how much is growing and the bounty that is just around the corner. You’re the reason its all there!

As always, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Linley, Peter, Reid, Charlie, Tim, John

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