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CSA Letter Week 4

This week’s harvest: red onions, kale, chard, collards, salad mix with fresh herbs, kohlrabi, beets, turnips, radish, u-pick strawberries, uncured garlic (hang it in your kitchen for a week to dry or eat now for an even sharper garlic taste).

It’s exciting to watch how quickly the farm grows from week to week and even more fun to share it with you. The 32nd St. plot is really coming together with the staking of the tomatoes, pole beans and cucumbers this week. We’re happy the strawberries are still coming in for another week or two. We’ve learned how important getting straw down will be next season to prevent the rain from splashing dirt on them and the berries from turning brown from the hot soil! At $7 a bale we tried to do without, but now realize how important it is.

Over the course of the last three years we’ve learned a lot and continue to make changes as we experience what works and what doesn’t. Our goal to make sustainable farming financially viable is a challenge, but one we’re committed to achieving. We’ve realized how important having both a CSA and farmers market stand is to the success of our business, the former to cover our costs and the later to provide a salary. We were shocked the first couple of years to find out how much produce we came home with from farmers market in August and September and how important it was to have CSA members who could absorb all of the food at peak season. Ready to harvest beginning mid-August are tomatoes from over 3,000 plants, cucumbers, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, beets, pumpkins, peas, parsnips, watermelon, cabbage, herbs, flowers, winter/summer squash plus the usual greens.  So be ready to light up the barbeque and enjoy the flavors of summer!

As always, thanks for your support.

Linley, Pete, and Reid

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