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2013 CSA Letter Week 7

strawberry flowersThis Week’s Harvest: basil, cilantro, dill, tomatoes, sweet white onions, kale, chard, lettuce, arugula, zucchini, elephant garlic, strawberries (Group A)

Happy Harvest Day!

We’ve decided to give you a little extra basil this week to make pesto. It’s the perfect time because the stems have not become fibrous, and the plants are still producing a lot of tender leaves. Traditionally, basil is made with pine nuts, but a cheaper alternative is to use walnuts instead. We make pesto every week after farmers market with the basil that doesn’t sell. We store it in ziplock bags in the freezer so that we can use smaller portions at a time. This gives us a year-round supply and brings back the taste of summer throughout winter.

One of the best parts of the season has been working with the many volunteers. One in particular comes almost daily to weed, help harvest for CSA and help us run the farmers market stand. Fran has also taken it upon herself to keep the strawberry patch weed free, she’s invested so much time in the patch that we’ve taken to calling it Fran’s Patch (we’re working on a sign). basilIt’s a job that we always put on the back burner since we’re still trying to figure out how to grow them here. Last year we lost our entire planting to a late frost just after we got them in the ground. This year, we were cautious and planted fewer, and were fortunate all survived. Their production should peak in August, but due to the smaller quantities we will need to take turns giving them out. While it’s a struggle, we grow them because they just make life better. To Fran, the flavor of the berries makes her day and getting to nibble on a few as she weeds is worth the labor. In the end we all benefit from her hard work.

Watermelon Salad

  1. Chop watermelon & cantaloupe/ honeydew melon.
  2. Stack 3-5 basil, roll like a cigar and cut into strips. Toss with melon.
  3. Dressing: 2 tbsp virgin olive oil, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup lime juice, salt to taste.

Walnut Basil Pesto

  • 2 cups packed Basil
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup walnut pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Process until smooth texture in food processor. Add 2 tbsps pasta cooking water before adding to pasta. Or, freeze in ziplock bag for future use.

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